Workplace Nursery

How will Workplace Nursery benefit me?

  • You can choose any approved nursery for your children.

  • The Tax and NI savings are on the full amount of your nursery fees, savings of between 32% and 47% can be achieved

  • If your monthly nursery fees are £1,000, you can save around £4,200 per year as a higher rate tax payer and over £2,900 as a basic rate tax payer

  • We can provide Workplace Nursery even if you have Tax Free Childcare (TFC) or Childcare Vouchers

Use the Workplace Nursery Calculator button to see how much you can save !!

How do I use the benefit?

Just log into your Enjoy Benefit Account and select the Workplace Nursery benefit from your list. You will then be guided through the process.