Acrolinx Pension Scheme

Thinking about retirement today!

The topic of old-age provision and pensions is very difficult for most people, as it is characterized by many uncertainties. Nevertheless, this important stage of life is something we need to think about today.

Acrolinx partners with the insurance consultancy MRH Trowe. In cooperation with them, we have developed a pension scheme that regulates the company pension plan and provides very good coverage. With the assistance of MRH Trowe, we have signed a framework agreement with the Allianz insurance company that will provide you with additional coverage to the state pension in your retirement. Acrolinx subsidizes your personal pension plan with up to 1,928 € per year. We offer four different pension policies through the Allianz, one of them also climate-neutral and sustainable!

You can view the pension scheme at any time here:

And how does it work?

The concept of a company pension scheme is, as is so often the case, highly regulated by law and based on very many and highly individual factors. Therefore, a consultation can only be carried out by an insurance specialist. In our case this is taken over by Mr. Behrens (German) and Mr. Böck (English) from MRH Trowe. Don't worry, they won't sell you anything or push you, they will only explain what is offered and calculate it especially for you.

For more information and the contact details for a consultation appointment choose the document in your preferred language

MRH Trowe Flyer DE_2022.pdf
MRH Trowe Flyer EN_2022.pdf